We Don’t Need to Apologize for Being Autistic
Radical Acceptance
Why The Babadook Is My Favorite Movie
I love horror as a genre. I have watched The Walking Dead more times than I can count. I love movies like It Follows. Stephen King is one of my favorite authors, and I could read It over and over again. As long as there’t not too much blood or gore, I’m probably going to be into it.
But my favorite horror film of all time is The Babadook. Many of my clients don’t share my love for horror, and I never want to pressure someone to watch a scary movie they won’t enjoy. But if my client tells me they like scary movies but they haven’t seen The Babadook, I will strongly suggest they watch it. The Babadook is a great film about a scary ghoul who won’t live a grieving widow and her young son alone. It’s creepy, atmospheric, and has great jump scares. But my very favorite part of the movie is the end.
Mindfulness for Stress and Anxiety
Why Do We Suffer?
As humans, we experience unavoidable pain. We get sick, the people we love get sick, the people we love die. There is an inherent, unavoidable amount of pain in the human experience.
We also experience extra suffering that is caused by our thoughts. As owners of incredible human brains, we have language, we can remember events from the past, we understand time, and we can evaluate things in our minds. We are great at thinking, and our amazing cognitive abilities help us in many ways. They empower us to solve problems big and small in our daily lives and they have enabled us to become the dominant species on the planet.