Individual Therapy

Neurodiversity-affirming therapy can help you explore yourself and create a life that works for you.

You may be here because…

  • You recently had an evaluation with another psychologist and learned that you are Autistic or ADHD.

  • You haven’t been officially diagnosed, but you have read a lot about Autism, ADHD, and neurodivergence, and you are pretty sure that’s you.

  • You’re self-identified as Autistic.

  • You want to learn more about yourself, neurodivergence, and creating a life that actually works.

  • You’ve tried talk therapy before, but it hasn't been very helpful. Maybe you’ve even had a pretty negative experience.

  • You want to see if neurodiversity-affirming therapy with a therapist who understands about Autism and ADHD might be different.

No matter how you got here, I’m so glad you did. Read more to see if I could be a good fit to help.

You have always felt different from other people, like you don’t totally belong or you’re from another planet.

As a little kid, you preferred to play by yourself or with just one or two other friends. Maybe you got lost in books or loved wandering in the woods by yourself for hours. You’ve always seemed to connect more with animals than people. Social situations can be draining and even exhausting. You’ve tried hard your whole life to fit in and be like other people. Sometimes you feel like you are constantly wearing a mask or performing in front of others.

You’ve been trying to fit in for a long time, but you are feeling more and more exhausted. You are ready to find out more about yourself so you can figure out what really works for you.

I use neurodiversity-affirming individual therapy to help adults find out if they are Autistic.

I believe therapy should be a collaborative, empowering experience that helps you learn more about yourself. As a neurodiversity-affirming psychologist, I help you learn more about yourself and your neurotype so you can create a life that is authentic to you. I affirm your experiences and help you heal from painful things in your past.

Get started with Kate, today.